Farr 9.2 report: November 2024

A particularly wet and windy winter behind us, the Farr 9.2 fleet are all out and racing in the 2024/2025 summer season. We’re looking forward to a superb season of racing – read on for details.

Wrapping up the colder months, the fleet performed very well in the Royal Perth Yacht Club’s Wednesday Winter series – Farrlap (Andrew Hossen) won the division B consistency results, with Farr Fetched (Mario Tascone) in third. Farrlap’s performance over the series also won them the Farr 9.2 Winter Series trophy, for the leading 9.2 on across-the-line results. The RPYC Frostbites series was well attended by 9.2 fleet, with Eufarria (Peter Cook), Lionheart (Warren Westaway), The Black Smoke (Jeremy Kerr), Toravean (Jonathan Wallwork) and Seahawk (Pedro Araujo) out racing in the series.

Eufarria and The Black Smoke at RPYC Opening Day

In preparation for the upcoming season, the Farr 9.2 Association held their annual general meeting in early October, electing the committee for the year and setting the scene for upcoming sailing and social events. Having being elected last year, the executive committee all stood for re-nomination, and were voted in accordingly. The team for the 2024/2025 season will be:

  • President: Leon Koch
  • Vice President: Peter Cook
  • Treasurer / Secretary: Jeremy Kerr
  • Measurer: Victor Johnson
  • OCMs: Rick Barrett, Peter Garside, Murray Rowe, Mario Tascone

Heat one of the Farr 9.2 Metro Series, hosted by RPYC on the 19th of October, had the fleet dust off their spinnaker bags, call up their Saturday crews, and launch into class racing for the season. Despite the disconcertingly-light forecast, the winds on the day arrived steady enough for a very competitive race. Eufarria took an early lead at the start and made it first to the top mark, but some attentive wind-chasing strategy from Farrlap (Kevin Ferguson as guest skipper) brought them to the front, a position they managed to keep to the finish, despite all manner of position changes amongst the rest of the fleet. Farrlap’s across-the-line win corresponded to a second place on handicap, with Eufarria third. The Seahawk team stole the show for the day though, winning first on handicap – their first Farr 9.2 Metro Series win. Well done to Pedro and team.

Seahawk, winning first at heat 1 of the Farr 9.2 Metro Series

The upcoming heats of the Farr 9.2 Metro series will have the 9.2 fleet racing in a range of courses, home at RPYC as well as out at Royal Freshwater Bay Yacht Club and South of Perth Yacht club. Then, the RPYC keelboat state championships in March will bring the fleet out for a super-competitive weekend of racing. For sailing further afield, various fleet members are already preparing their campaigns for the Cockburn Sound Regatta and Geographe Bay Race Week. We’re looking forward to a great season of sailing!

If you’d like to get involved with the fleet, we’re always open to new crew and members – contact Jeremy Kerr on jk@ozlabs.org or 0417 095 745.

Continue ReadingFarr 9.2 report: November 2024

Farr 9.2 report: June 2024

We have plenty of Farr 9.2 news from the final parts of the summer season, news from our recent prize night, and some plans for sailing over winter. Read on for details!

Continuing on with the Farr 9.2 Metro Series, heat six saw a new format to the racing this year, with a marathon race that took the fleet down Blackwall reach, past East Fremantle Yacht Club and back home to a Crawley finish. This was also a significant race for the fleet, with recent new owners Juan Roman and Pedro Araujo bringing Seahawk back into the series. Getting an early lead on their way south, Farrlap (Andrew Hossen) finished both first and fastest, with Lionheart (Warren Westaway) a close second, and Eufarria (Peter Cook) third. Well done to the winners and welcome to racing, Juan and Pedro!

The next heat of the Metro Series brought the fleet over to Royal Freshwater Bay Yacht Club (RFBYC), as guests in their Saturday race series. A light and variable afternoon breeze made for a tricky start, but Elusive (Richard Brisbane-Cohen) picked the shifts well for an early lead, with the rest of the fleet swapping places behind. A late sea breeze kicked in, but Elusive maintained their lead over the line, and third on handicap, The Black Smoke (Jeremy Kerr) first and Lionheart second. We had a great representation of the fleet at RFBYC’s results presentation, and even managed to extract some post-race local knowledge from members, which should turn out handy for future finishes in Freshwater Bay!

Next on the racing calendar, on a sunny long-weekend in March, seven of the 9.2 fleet made their way out of the confines of the Swan for their State Championships event, hosted as part of RPYC’s WA Keelboat State Championships out of the Fremantle Annex. With an expert race management team and a brilliant set of volunteers – both on water and off – the racing was first-class, and the crews were kept sustained through a decent post-race sausage sizzle.

Farrlap, The Black Smoke and Euffaria at the Farr 9.2 State Championships

The regatta had us out for eight races over two-and-a-half days, under all sorts of winds. In particular, Saturday brought some strong easterlies, building over the day. A few of the fleet decided to keep their spinnakers packed, dry, and intact in the gustier winds, a few of the others risked it with varying levels of success, including one unintended journey beyond the bottom gate and off towards Carnac Island. Fortunately, we did see team Itinerant (Mark Hansen) back at the bar after racing, so we can assume that they did eventually manage to douse the kite.

Despite their sojourn westwards, Itinerant – as defending championship winner – sailed well over the regatta, with three firsts over the weekend. However, Eufarria – new entrants this year – stole the show with four, taking out the overall championship trophy. The remaining race win went to The Black Smoke, ending up third in championship regatta results. Consistency results for the State Championships had Farrlap in first, Lionheart second, and Frenzy (Murray Rowe) third. Well done to all teams for a fantastic weekend of racing, and for our contemporaries in the S80 and S97 fleets for a great combined event. Of course, the stars of the show were the staff and dedicated volunteers for such a smoothly run weekend of racing. Thank you all!

The later parts of the season’s race calendar certainly keep our fleet on their toes – after a (generous!) two weeks’ rest, the fleet were back racing at RPYC Crawley for heat eight of the Metro Series, then the heat nine three weeks following. As is tradition, heat nine had the fleet racing for the prestigious Alan Coutts Memorial trophy, commemorating Alan as an prominent supporter, enthusiastic promoter, and valued friend of the 9.2 class. Chasing the trophy for a number of years now, Elusive’s stars fell into alignment to finish fastest, and second on handicap. Further handicap results had Farrlap making their way into first, and Eufarria at third. With the fleet back in their pens after heat nine, the Metro Series was complete for the season, with final results formally announced at the upcoming prize night.

In boat movement news, Kevin Shroeder and Tarla Elward have sold Dragonheart to new owners Chris and Amanda Maines, based at EFYC. They plan to start off with a little cruising, and perhaps join in some racing events in the near future. Welcome to the fleet!

To wrap up the summer season, the Farr 9.2 Association Prize night is our annual ceremony for distributing the trophies (and, or course, prizes!) to their rightful owners. After a great event last year, this year was also held at the Dutch Trading Company in Victoria Park, over tasty cocktail-style dinner, and tasty beverages of all kinds. Some particular highlights for the results were:

Farr 9.2 State Championships, championship:

  • 1st: Eufarria (Peter Cook)
  • 2nd: Itinerant (Mark Hansen)
  • 3rd: The Black Smoke (Jeremy Kerr)

Farr 9.2 State Championships, consistency:

  • 1st: Farrlap (Andrew Hossen)
  • 2nd: Lionheart (Warren Westaway)
  • 3rd: Frenzy (Murray Rowe)

Farr 9.2 Metro Series, championship:

  • 1st: Elusive (Richard Brisbane-Cohen)
  • 2nd: Itinerant (Mark Hansen)
  • 3rd: Lionheart (Warren Westaway)

Farr 9.2 Metro Series, consistency:

  • 1st: Farrlap (Andrew Hossen)
  • 2nd: Eufarria (Peter Cook)
  • 3rd: The Black Smoke (Jeremy Kerr)

Farr 9.2 Crew Skipper trophy:

  • Kevin Ferguson – Farrlap

Farr 9.2 Ladies Skipper trophy:

  • Tiffani Tong – Farrlap

Well done to the winners for a great season.

Prizes for the season were generously provided by our prize night sponsors: UK Sailmakers, Doyle Sails, Yacht Grot, Bay Marine Maintenance and Yahava Coffee. We are very grateful for their support, and encourage our members to check out their offerings.

Of course, even with the summer season over, sailing will continue just as enthusiastically over winter, with regular Wednesday afternoon sailing, and a few of the fleet sailing in the Winter Frostbites series. We’re also helping out the S80 fleet in their Sailor Development Program, hosting some spinnaker training sessions on a Farr 9.2. Contact Jeremy Kerr (0417 095 745) if you’re interested in participating in any of the above.

Continue ReadingFarr 9.2 report: June 2024

Farr 9.2 report – March 2022

In the previous edition of the Farr 9.2 report, we had just completed heats four and five of the Farr 9.2 Metro Series, and were preparing for the State Championships in March. Since then, the metro series has continued into heats six and seven, and some very close racing in the State Championships made for a great weekend. Read on for details.

Farr 9.2 fleet at the State Championships 2022. Photo courtesy of Lindsay Preece at Ironbark Photos.

Going into heat six, the standings for the Swan River Metro series had Itinerant (Mark Hansen) in first position, with Elusive (Richard Brisbane-Cohen) and Seahawk (Pat Jones) only a handful of points behind. Being just over half-way through the series, the trophy is far from decided at this stage. Royal Freshwater Bay Yacht Club (RFBYC) hosted the fleet for heat six, with a refreshing return to typical summer sea-breeze conditions after a week of hot and still afternoons. Farr Far Away (James Baker), sailing a brand-new number one jib, broke out first for an early lead, but it was Elusive who caught up soon after and managed to hold their first place across the finish.

Consistency results for heat six had Frenzy (Murray Rowe) first, Farrlap (Andrew Hossen) second and The Black Smoke (Jeremy Kerr) third. All of the placing teams managed to rush back from the finish line to their pens, and then over to RFBYC, making for a great representation of the fleet at presentation of results.

With their win in heat six, Elusive is now only four points behind Itinerant in the championship standings, and is building up inertia with two firsts in a row.

On to heat seven in late February, hosted by South of Perth Yacht club (SoPYC) as part of their Saturday afternoon racing series. Team Itinerant was unable to compete, instead on the hardstand for some much-needed repairs in preparation for the upcoming state championships. This leaves the door wide open for a change in series leader, especially with Elusive on their current winning streak. The day’s conditions were another classic sea breeze, giving the fleet plenty of opportunity for strategic sailing on the upwind reaches. All three of Farr Far Away, Elusive, and Lionheart (Warren Westaway) exchanged lead over the course of the day, with Elusive managing to hold it into Como and across the finish line, with Lionheart only eight seconds behind. Consistency results had Lionheart first, Frenzy second and Farr Far Away third. Being fastest across the line, Elusive extend their streak of consecutive wins to three, and they now overtake Itinerant into first place in the series.

The final two heats of the Swan River Metro Series will be held in late March and mid-April, and are sure to feature some very competitive racing for the series trophy. We’ll keep you updated on results!

Leaving the familiar surroundings of Melville Waters for a few days, the Farr 9.2 fleet ducked under the Fremantle bridges to head out to the annual State Championships, this year at RPYC Annex. Recent history had the racing held in Cockburn Sound, hosted by The Cruising Yacht Club (TCYC). This year we had diverged from tradition and joined the S80 and S97 fleets for a combined state championships event, with eight races over three days in Owen Anchorage.

Seahawk sailing in the Farr 9.2 State Championship. Photo courtesy of RPYC.

Even through there was a last-minute (COVID-induced) reduction in social plans over the states weekend, we felt very welcomed by the S80 and S97 teams in joining their regular event, which by now has become a very slick operation, very much made possible by the generous contributions of a team of volunteers. We would like to extend our thanks for all for making this such a successful states weekend for us 9.2 newcomers.

After three days of extremely competitive windward/leeward racing, the championship points were equal between first and second place, with the winner being decided on countback. Podium results were:

Farr 9.2 State Championships – championship:

  1. Itinerant (Mark Hansen)
  2. Elusive (Richard Brisbane-Cohen)
  3. The Black Smoke (Jeremy Kerr)

Farr 9.2 State Championships – consistency:

  1. Farrlap (Andrew Hossen)
  2. Frenzy (Murray Rowe)
  3. Lionheart (Warren Westaway)
The Black Smoke, Itinerant and Elusive sailing in the Farr 9.2 State Championships. Photo from Lindsay Preece of Ironbark Photos

In other news, the Farr 9.2 Farrago has recently found a new owner in Gerald Bergsma. After a long stint at RFBYC, Gerald has sailed Farrago closer to home at Mandurah Offshore Fishing and Sailing Club, and is planning to get out racing in club events, in addition to a few upgrades for the cruising too. While Farrago isn’t likely to joining us for many river races, we’re looking forward to have another 9.2 out for some ocean sailing. Welcome to the fleet, Gerald!

Continue ReadingFarr 9.2 report – March 2022

Farr 9.2 report – January 2022

Welcome to our first Farr 9.2 fleet report for 2022! We’re now just over half-way through the season, as well as the Farr 9.2 Metro Series, with five of the nine heats sailed so far.

Our last report covered heat one, where Itinerant (Mark Hansen) finished first across the line, and establishing a lead in the series. Heat two had the fleet sailing in the Max Hayes memorial trophy race, again at Royal Perth Yacht Club. Elusive (Richard Brisbane-Cohen) and Itinerant both headed out early to lead the fleet, exchanging places during the race. Elusive managed to keep their lead over the line, finishing a handful of seconds in front. Handicap results for heat two had The Black Smoke (Jeremy Kerr) first, Farrlap (Andrew Hossen) second and Lionheart (Warren Westaway) third.

In November, heat four of the series took the 9.2s over to South of Perth Yacht Club as part of their Saturday racing series. Conditions made for some tricky sailing, with a north easterly breeze that refused to settle to anything consistent to set sails against. After rounding the day buoy and setting spinnakers, each of the boats had a turn out front, to be soon overtaken by another boat that had found a lucky, but fleeting, puff of their own. Itinerant made an early call to head far out east, into what seemed to be a dire lack of wind out near Nedlands – but either by genius tactics or bare luck, they were rewarded with what seemed to be the only consistent winds on the river, steaming into the leeward mark ahead of the rest of the fleet. Keeping the lead through the rest of the race, they finished first across the line by a decent margin. Local SoPYC knowledge from team Igawa (David Atkinson) seemed to have helped too, bringing them across the finish line second. Handicap results had Farr Fetched (Bruce Meakins) first, Frenzy (Murray Rowe) second and Igawa third.

Newly introduced in the 2021/2022 series, heats four and five were a set of windward/leeward races hosted by RPYC, later on a Saturday afternoon, in conjunction with the Etchell, BW8, S80 and S97 fleets. The racing was hotly contested, in fresh summer south-westerly winds. In the first race of the day, heat four, Itinerant finished first across the line, as well as first on handicap, with Seahawk (Pat Jones) second and Lionheart third. Observant racers may have seen Elusive sailing downwind with an unusual sail plan – instead of a spinnaker, they’d decided to hoist a crew member to the top of the mast, presumable for mid-race repairs during heat four. Obviously effective, they finished at the front of the fleet in heat five, as well as second on handicap. Close behind on the line, Farr Far Away (James Baker) was second on handicap, and Seahawk third.

We’d like to extend a special thanks to the race management and support crew for hosting the windward/leeward racing events – it must have been a long day on the water, having run both the regular Saturday fleet races plus these extra heats.

Just after Christmas, four of the Farr 9.2 fleet sailed south to join in the Cockburn Sound Regatta – we had Farrouk (Des Riley, HYC), Dragonheart (Tarla Elward and Kevin Schroeder), and The Black Smoke sailing in the jib and main 2 fleet, plus Igawa refusing to give their spinnaker a holiday, sailing in division two. The delivery race from Fremantle to Cockburn sound was a consistent beam reach to the last few TCYC club marks, up until the afternoon heat set in and the wind dropped right out, resulting in a slow drift across the finish line. Like previous years, sailing conditions were ideal over the five days of racing, but unusually hot temperatures had most of the crews in for a post-race swim once back at their moorings. In overall results, Dragonheart took first place in the JaM 2 division – very well done for their first regatta as new owners!

As for future events: our racing calendar continues into 2022, with heat 6 in January at Royal Freshwater Bay Yacht Club, and heat seven back at South of Perth Yacht Club in February. We’ll then be heading out to Owen Anchorage for our State Championships event in March. Keep updated on this site for full results and updates as we go.

Continue ReadingFarr 9.2 report – January 2022

Farr 9.2 Report – August 2021

Another season is upon us! Our latest Farr 9.2 report includes results of the last season, events over winter, and our new plans for 2021-2022 events.

Over the winter, the 9.2s have been keeping active in Wednesday afternoon racing, with almost all of the fleet sailing regularly, within division B. Itinerant (Mark Hansen) has taken first place in mini series one, and at the time of writing, Farrlap (Andrew Hossen) is only a handful of points away from the lead for mini series two. While the frostbites races have been a little quieter, well done to Itinerant and Farr Far Away (James Baker) for braving the weather and getting out there, with spinnakers flying, in the winter cold.

Despite a couple of pandemic-related delays, the fleet managed to get together for our salubrious prize night event, this year held at the RPYC Fremantle Annex. Our esteemed trophy winners on the night were:

Farr 9.2 State Championships 2021 – championship:

1st: Itinerant (Mark Hansen)

2nd: Farrlap (Andrew Hossen)

3rd: Lionheart (Warren Westaway)

Farr 9.2 State Championships 2021 – consistency:

1st: The Black Smoke (Jeremy Kerr)

2nd: Elusive (Richard Brisbane-Cohen)

3rd: Seahawk (Pat Jones)

Farr 9.2 Swan River Metro Series – championship:

1st: Seahawk (Pat Jones)

2nd: Itinerant (Mark Hansen)

3rd: Elusive (Richard Brisbane-Cohen)

Farr 9.2 Swan River Metro Series – consistency:

1st: Farrlap (Andrew Hossen)

2nd: The Black Smoke (Jeremy Kerr)

3rd: Lionheart (Warren Westaway)

Farr 9.2 Lady Skipper Trophy – championship:

1st: The Black Smoke (Jen Leen)

2nd: Farr Fetched (Sarah Liddiard)

3rd: Itinerant (Fiona Laing)

Congratulations to all skippers and crew throughout the fleet, for a great season of competitive racing.

For the next season’s racing calendar, we have planned an exciting fleet-racing series over the summer, consisting of nine races at various clubs around the river – Royal Perth Yacht Club, Royal Freshwater Bay Yacht Club, and South of Perth Yacht Club. We’ve introduced a set of windward-leeward races too, to test out the teams in different race formats. This schedule gives us a variety of courses, and an opportunity to join in with other clubs’ results presentations (and sample their post-race chips!). Our State Championships event this year is scheduled for the March long weekend, along with the S80 and S97 fleets at Owen Anchorage, with post-race social events at the RPYC Annex. Planning is still in progress, but it’s looking to be a great regatta.

In boat-related news, we’ve heard that Dragonheart has recently changed hands – previous owner John Da Silva has sold to new joint owners Tarla Elward and Kevin Schroeder. They tell us that they’ll be setting up a cruisy configuration, for regular summer twilights and trips out to Rottnest. Sounds ideal!

The Farr 9.2 fleet are always keen to welcome newcomers – both for competitive fleet racing and not-so-serious social events. If you’d like to join one of our boats, a few teams are looking for new crew; email the Association on secretary@farr92.asn.au to get in touch.

Continue ReadingFarr 9.2 Report – August 2021

Farr 9.2 Report – January 2021

Happy new year all! Since our last update in October, we’ve had a lot of competitive racing on the river, plus a couple of 9.2s escaping for a bit of holiday racing. Our prior report covered the completion of heat one of the Swan River Metro Series, with The Black Smoke (Jeremy Kerr) holding an initial lead in the championship results. Previous years’ series have shown that an early lead doesn’t guarantee anything, and this series has been no exception!

Heat two of the series had the fleet sailing at South of Perth Yacht Club (SoPYC), in their division two Saturday race. The weather brought us a classic Perth summer sea breeze, of 15-20 knots from the south-west. Seahawk (Pat Jones) had a cracking start, with Itinerant (Mark Hansen) chasing at speed. Not too far back, the rest of the fleet jostled for position throughout the race, chasing the slightly oscillating breeze in the upwind reaches.

The two leading boats—Seahawk and Itinerant—kept together throughout the race, Seahawk up front, taking line honours by a mere boat-length ahead after 2¾ hours of racing! Handicap results had Itinerant first, Seahawk second, and Farrlap (Andrew Hossen) third. Their win in heat two brings Seahawk into the lead of the progressive results.

Two weeks later, heat three of the metro series brought us back to SoPYC, running the same course as the previous race, but with a little more west in the breeze this time. Making the spinnaker runs a little less square, this kept the teams on their toes for the kite runs, with big gains to be had by keeping the kites up, and well-trimmed, in these shy angles. Doing so magnificently, Farrlap stole the initial lead from Itinerant, crossing first across the line at SoPYC’s Coffee Point finish. Handicap results for heat three had Farrlap first, Itinerant second, and Lionheart (Warren Westaway) third.

With their run of podium results across all of the series so far, Itinerant now takes the championship lead from Seahawk. Three different leaders from three races so far!

Back at Royal Perth Yacht Club, heat four again saw the fleet sailing with a slightly-more-westerly-than-usual breeze, but with larger variations in wind speed over the afternoon. A few of the fleet took advantage of the shifted wind angle to coordinate some spectacular bear-away kite raises at the top mark, gaining a significant advantage by taking off quickly downwind. Sailing well all afternoon, Seahawk crossed the line ahead of the fleet to secure their second fastest of the season. Elusive (Richard Brisbane-Cohen) found their stride again, winning first on handicap, with Seahawk second and Farrlap third.

After these four heats so far, Itinerant still leads the championship series results, but only by a single point over Seahawk. The next race of the series, heat five back at RPYC, is sure to be a nail-biter! We publish progressive results on our website at https://farr92.asn.au, if you’d like to follow along from home.

Meanwhile, the majority of the Farr 9.2s are still sailing regularly in the Hyatt Regency Wednesday racing series, and have featured well in the results so far – on completion of the first mini-series, Itinerant took first place and Farrlap second. Well done to both.

With the club racing events quietening down over the Christmas/New Year’s break, two of the 9.2 fleet sailed out past the bridges and south to The Cruising Yacht Club on Rockingham Beach, for the 2020 Cockburn Sound Regatta. Igawa (David Atkinson, SoPYC) sailed in division two, and The Black Smoke took a more relaxed approach in the jib and main category. Unlike previous years, the usual south-westerly only appeared infrequently, so the fleets had greater variation in courses over the four days of racing. Overall results had Igawa and The Black Smoke both finish third in their respective divisions.

Continue ReadingFarr 9.2 Report – January 2021

Farr 9.2 report – October 2020

With the 2020-2021 sailing season underway, the Farr 9.2 fleet is in full swing, with plenty of competitive racing across the thirteen boats. It has been a great start to the season so far, with the pre-season cocktail party, the first Farr 9.2 Metro Series heat for the 2020-2021, and lots of club racing too.

To launch the season’s sailing events, the Farr 9.2 association held the traditional pre-season cocktail party, this year hosted by Angela and Mario Tascone at their lovely home. With tasty South American bites by El Argentino catering, and some impromptu musical accompaniment from the talented Wilna Cornelisse (from not-quite-a-9.2 Reflections), the teams had a great night to celebrate the upcoming season, and a return to the summer competition.

As has become custom at the pre-season party, Helen and James Baker kindly presented trophies for our informal winter series competition, awarded to the teams with the most across-the-line wins within the 9.2 fleet over the Wednesday winter races. Itinerant (Mark Hansen) took a solid first-place, with 11 wins, Farrlap (Andrew Hossen) second and Lionheart (Warren Westaway) third.

RPYC opening day has always been a big event on the 9.2 calendar, not just being the return to Saturday racing at the club, but also comprising the first heat of the all-important 2020/2021 Farr 9.2 Metro Series. As if by schedule, the weather gave us a classic summer south-westerly breeze, aligning the starting leg to a reach downriver. Each with the title-deeds to their sheepstations in hand, the fleet of eight keen 9.2s made their way across the start line to Bricklanding A and B marks. Unfortunately, the team on Elusive (Richard Brisbane-Cohen) may have been a little too keen to start the series, crossing the line early for an eventual OCS on results.

Even though the course had been shortened to accommodate opening day events, the race gave the fleet two reaches and two spinnaker runs, including a moderately shy run from Inner Dolphin Spit to the finish line. With the shorter course, the race saw a lot of close-quarters sailing, and plenty of opportunities for tactical racing. Starting with a small lead at the first mark, The Black Smoke (Jeremy Kerr) took line honours, with Seahawk (Pat Jones) chasing close behind. Handicap results had The Black Smoke first, Seahawk second, and Frenzy (Murray Rowe) third.

Following on from opening day, the Farr 9.2 fleet have been sailing well in the Saturday Division 2 Combined series, with new entrants Dragonheart (John Da Silva), collecting a first in race one (Dragonheart’s first in Divison 2), and Frenzy first in race two. Well done to both.

Wednesday racing has also seen the 9.2s well-represented on the podium, also with new contender Toravean (Michael Hulbert & Ken Stokes) picking up their first first flag, after a great sail in a fresh breeze in race two.

Heats two and three of the Farr 9.2 Metro Series will take the fleet over to South of Perth Yacht club for two Saturdays in November, then returning to RPYC in early December. For the full schedule and results, check out the other posts on this website.

Continue ReadingFarr 9.2 report – October 2020

Farr 9.2 report – January 2020

This is the first of our Farr 9.2 reports for the website – originally published in the RPYC magazine, we’re now including them here too.

With the 2019/2020 racing season now well underway, we’re also at the half-way point of the Farr 9.2 metro series, with four of eight races completed. As it stands now, the series results are far from certain, with different a championship winner in each race. After heat one, Lionheart (Warren Westaway) finished first and fastest, so leading both championship and consistency results for the series.

Elusive and Lionheart running downwind, with Elusive in front but slightly to leeward.

From there, heat two took the fleet to South of Perth Yacht Club to join their Saturday races. The regular summer sea breeze was absent, replaced by a shifting northerly, the start team adjusting the line to suit the conditions. With their home-club advantage on the course, SoPYC boat Igawa (David Atkinson) found the favourable winds and crossed the finish line first, with Elusive (Richard Brisbane-Cohen) very close behind. Handicap results had The Black Smoke (Jeremy Kerr) at first, Lionheart second, and Igawa third.

Itinerant sailing downwind from Attadale

After heat two, the championship series lead was in the hands of Itinerant (Mark Hansen), sailing consistently well over the two races so far.

Heat three also had the fleet sailing out of SoPYC, with the rest of the teams now a little more accustomed to the courses, and familiar south-westerly winds returning. After establishing a lead in the first downwind run, Farrlap (Andrew Hossen) found their pace and pulled away from the fleet to finish first by almost two minutes in front of chasing boat Elusive. Handicap results had The Black Smoke first, Farrlap adding a second flag to their collection for the day, and Elusive third. Lindsay Preece from Ironbark Photos caught some great shots of the race, a few of which we’ve included here.

With their line honours result in heat three, Farrlap now takes the championship series lead, but only by a single point ahead of Itinerant, and Elusive only a further point behind.

Farrlap running downwind under spinnaker

Heat four returns the fleet to RPYC, on a hot Saturday, with a south westerly establishing before the start to bring some relief from the heat. The Black Smoke built a small lead early in the race, carrying it over the finish line, only a handful of seconds in front of pursuing Farrlap. Despite breaking the start and going back around, Elusive recovered brilliantly to finish fourth, one second behind Itinerant. Handicap results had The Black Smoke first, Frenzy (Murray Rowe) second, and Farrlap third.

The over-the-line results from heat four meant that Farrlap consolidates their lead – but only by one additional point – over Itinerant, and Elusive close in third by another two points. At this stage, the series is still very much in contention! We’re all getting set for a competitive heat five, to be held early in the new year.

The Black Smoke sailing south from Fremantle to Cockburn Sound

As a bit of a holiday from the Swan River racing, a couple of the 9.2s had migrated south for the Christmas/New Year’s break, participating in the Cockburn Sound Regatta, hosted by The Cruising Yacht Club. Igawa had their full wardrobe of sails out to compete in division two, taking fifth place in a very diverse fleet. The Black Smoke took it a little easier by keeping it to jib and main only, taking third place in JAM fleet 3.

The Farr 9.2 fleet are always keen to welcome newcomers – both for serious sailing and not-so-serious social events. If you’d like to join one of our boats, a few teams are looking for new crew – either for occasional fill-in spots or regular race commitments. Email the Association on secretary@farr92.asn.au to get in touch.

Continue ReadingFarr 9.2 report – January 2020