Results for metro series heat 1

After great conditions for RPYC’s opening day, we have a new set of results available. It’s been a complicated set of results this time, for a few reasons:

After a mediation hearing with Itinerant, The Black Smoke’s result is subject to a mediation penalty. We’re using YA’s guidance of a penalty half-way between the actual result and a DSQ (ignoring fractions), leaving the other results as-is.

There were a few transcription errors in RPYC’s set of handicaps. Fortunately, these had no effect on the pennant-winners’ places, but do shuffle some of the other results a little. Pat will be glad to hear that he didn’t really have a handicap of 0.6889!

The corrections are:

  • Farrlap’s handicap is 0.6506, not 0.6606. However, no change in place occurs.
  • Seahawk’s handicap is 0.6689, not 0.6889. This moves her from 11th to 7th.
  • Itinerant’s handicap is 0.6581, not 0.6681. This moves her from 7th to 5th.

After all that, the results for heat 1 are:

Sail Boat Skipper Hcap Elapsed Corrected Over line On Hcap Code
R181 Farr Far Away James Baker 0.6366 02:33:01 01:37:25 4 1 FIN
R49 Toravean Ken Stokes 0.6300 02:35:08 01:37:44 8 2 FIN
PFS17 Igawa Dave Atkinson 0.6451 02:33:28 01:39:00 5 3 FIN
R105 Farrlap Andrew Hossen 0.6506 02:32:19 01:39:06 2 4 FIN
R100 Itinerant Mark Hansen 0.6581 02:34:03 01:41:23 7 5 FIN
R267 Elusive Richard Brisbane-Cohen 0.6720 02:31:04 01:41:31 1 6 FIN
R242 Seahawk Patrick Jones 0.6689 02:32:44 01:42:10 3 7 FIN
R192 Frenzy Murray Rowe 0.6490 02:37:31 01:42:14 10 8 FIN
R48 Farr Fetched Bruce Meakins 0.6532 02:39:33 01:44:13 11 10 FIN
R92 The Black Smoke Jeremy Kerr 0.6650 02:34:02 01:42:26 8 (6+2) 10 (9+1) DPI
R920 Equaliser Ian Barron 0.6720 02:35:16 01:44:20 9 11 FIN
R1920 Lionheart Warren Westaway 0.6423 00:00:00 00:00:00 12= 12= DNC

This gives us the following progressive results for the series:


Place SailNo BoatName Skipper/Crew Total Nett 10/10:1
1 R267 Elusive Richard Brisbane-Cohen 1 1 1( 1)
2 R105 Farrlap Andrew Hossen 2 2 2( 2)
3 R242 Seahawk Patrick Jones 3 3 3( 3)
4 R181 Farr Far Away James Baker 4 4 4( 4)
5 PFS17 Igawa Dave Atkinson 5 5 5( 5)
6 R100 Itinerant Mark Hansen 7 7 7( 7)
7 R49 Toravean Ken Stokes 8 8 8( 8)
8 R920 Equaliser Ian Barron 9 9 9( 9)
8 R92 The Black Smoke Jeremy Kerr 9 9 9(DPI)
10 R192 Frenzy Murray Rowe 10 10 10( 10)
11 R48 Farr Fetched Bruce Meakins 11 11 11( 11)
12 R1920 Lionheart Warren Westaway 13 13 13(DNC)


Place SailNo BoatName Skipper/Crew Total Nett 10/10:1
1 R181 Farr Far Away James Baker 1 1 1( 1)
2 R49 Toravean Ken Stokes 2 2 2( 2)
3 PFS17 Igawa Dave Atkinson 3 3 3( 3)
4 R105 Farrlap Andrew Hossen 4 4 4( 4)
5 R100 Itinerant Mark Hansen 5 5 5( 5)
6 R267 Elusive Richard Brisbane-Cohen 6 6 6( 6)
7 R242 Seahawk Patrick Jones 7 7 7( 7)
8 R192 Frenzy Murray Rowe 8 8 8( 8)
9 R48 Farr Fetched Bruce Meakins 10 10 10( 10)
9 R92 The Black Smoke Jeremy Kerr 10 10 10(DPI)
11 R920 Equaliser Ian Barron 11 11 11( 11)
12 R1920 Lionheart Warren Westaway 13 13 13(DNC)
Continue ReadingResults for metro series heat 1

Notice of race for 2015-2016 metro series

The Notice of Race for the 2015-2016 season is now available:

The race dates are as follows:

  1. RPYC Sat Oct 10th (Opening Day)
  2. PFSYC Sun Nov 1st (Opening Day)
  3. SoPYC Sat Dec 5th
  4. RFBYC Sat Jan 23rd
  5. RPYC Sat Feb 27th (Max Hayes Memorial Trophy)
  6. CYC Sun Mar 13th (Commodores Cup)
  7. RPYC Sat Apr 2nd

The starting handicaps are carried-over from the last race (ie., heat 7) of the 2014/2015 metro series, and do not include any of the results from the state championships. These handicaps are:

Sail Boat name Skipper Handicap
F15 Eufarria George Carter 0.6638
PFS17 Igawa Dave Atkinson 0.6451
R48 Farr Fetched Bruce Meakins 0.6532
R49 Toravean Ken Stokes 0.6300
R92 The Black Smoke Jeremy Kerr 0.6650
R100 Itinerant Mark Hansen 0.6581
R105 Farrlap Andrew Hossen 0.6506
R145 Dragonheart John DaSilva 0.6833
R181 Farr Far Away James Baker 0.6366
R192 Frenzy Murray Rowe 0.6490
R242 Seahawk Patrick Jones 0.6689
R267 Elusive Richard Brisbane-Cohen 0.6720
SP271 Scalloway David Pearce 0.6712
R920 Equaliser Ian Barron 0.6720
RF1145 Farago Stephen Breen 0.6833
R1920 Lionheart Warren Westaway 0.6423

Update: Rumour has it that Equaliser may be joining us for heat 1; I’ve updated her handicap for a new entrant in the fleet.

Continue ReadingNotice of race for 2015-2016 metro series

Results for the 2014-2015 season

After a great 2014-2015 season, the results for the fleet are as follows:

Farr 9.2 State Championship

Championship results

  1. Elusive – Richard Brisbane-Cohen
  2. Igawa – David Atkinson
  3. Farrlap – Andrew Hossen

Consistency results

  1. Itinerant – Mark Hansen
  2. Lionheart – Warren Westaway
  3. Farr Fetched – Bruce Meakins

Swan River Metro Series

Championship results

  1. Elusive – Richard Brisbane-Cohen
  2. Seahawk – Patrick Jones
  3. Lionheart – Warren Westaway

Consistency results

  1. Farrlap – Andrew Hossen
  2. Frenzy – Murray Rowe
  3. Igawa – David Atkinson

Max Hayes Memorial Trophy

  • Elusive – Richard Brisbane-Cohen

CYC Commodore’s Cup

  • Elusive – Richard Brisbane-Cohen

Congratulations to all of the trophy-winners, and well done for the fierce competition from the rest of the fleet.

For those wanting extra detail, we also have the points tables available for the metro series & states. As usual, these are split into “Championship” (ie., times across the line), and “Consistency” (ie., after accounting for handicap) results.

The handicaps calculated from the final race of the Swan River Metro Series will be used as the starting handicaps for the 2015-2016 season, with any new entrants receiving the series winner’s handicap. Sail well in the new season!

Continue ReadingResults for the 2014-2015 season