2024 Annual General Meeting

The Farr 9.2 Association’s Annual General Meeting was held on the 16th of October, with the following committee elected for 2024 / 2025:

  • President: Leon Koch
  • Vice President: Peter Cook
  • Treasurer: Jeremy Kerr
  • Secretary: Jeremy Kerr
  • Measurer: Victor Johnson
  • Assistant Measurer: Mario Tascone
  • Handicapper: Leon Koch
  • Ordinary committee members:
    • Rick Barrett
    • Peter Garside
    • Murray Rowe
    • Mario Tascone

Our thanks to everyone attending and all your efforts for the fleet and the association. All the best for a great summer sailing season!

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2023 Annual General Meeting

The Farr 9.2 Association’s Annual General Meeting (and pre-season social catch-up) was held on the 8th of October, at Boston Brewing in Victoria Park.

The new committee elected for 2023 / 2024 is:

  • President: Leon Koch
  • Vice President: Peter Cook
  • Treasurer: Jeremy Kerr
  • Secretary: Jeremy Kerr
  • Measurer: Victor Johnson
  • Assistant Measurer: Mario Tascone
  • Handicapper: Leon Koch
  • Ordinary committee members:
    • Kevin Schroeder
    • Tarla Elward
    • Jon Wallwork

Our thanks to everyone for attending and contributing to the meeting, and all the best for a great summer sailing season!

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2019 Annual General Meeting

The Farr 9.2 Association’s Annual General Meeting was held on the 25th of August, hosted by Helen and James Baker at their lovely home.

The new committee elected for 2019 / 2020 is:

  • President: Jeremy Kerr
  • Vice President: Murray Rowe
  • Treasurer: James Baker
  • Secretary: Leon Koch
  • Measurer: Victor Johnson
  • Assistant Measurer: Mario Tascone
  • Handicapper: Leon Koch
  • Ordinary committee members:
    • Mario Tascone
    • Helen Baker
    • Jen Leen
    • Peter Garside
    • Greg Armstrong

Our thanks once again to Helen and James for hosting the AGM, and to all the members and friends for contributing the amazing food.

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Updates from 2017 AGM

The Farr 9.2 Association’s Annual General meeting was held on the 13th of August, hosted by David and Bev at Jane Brook Wines.

There are a few updates from the meeting:

Committee members for 2017/2018

The new committee elected this year is:

  • President: Andrew Hossen
  • Vice President: Murray Rowe
  • Secretary: Jeremy Kerr
  • Treasurer: Jeremy Kerr
  • Measurer: Victor Johnson
  • Assistant Measurer: Mario Tascone
  • Handicapper & Exec. Comm. Leon Koch
  • YA Representative: Newton Klaebe
  • Ordinary committee: Greg Armstrong

Updated class rules

After a proposed change from last year’s AGM, the Farr 9.2 class rules have been updated to allow new materials for backstay construction. The relevant section (3.5.2) now reads:

3.5.2 Riggings wire shall not be less than 5.5mm diameter for cap shrouds, lower shrouds and forestay. Backstay to be either minimum 5mm stainless steel wire or 5mm

The full class rules document is available for download here: Farr 9.2 Class rules 2017 (PDF, 104KB).

Sailing schedules

The dates for the 2017/2018 metro series have been decided (Notice of Race is coming soon), as well as the State Championships (24th-25th of March).

Many thanks to David, Bev and the team for hosting the AGM, and to our sponsors: Doyle Sails, North Sails, UK sails, Yacht Grot, Bay Marine Services, Edgar Vitte at Yacht Rigging Solutions and Jane Brook Wines.

Continue ReadingUpdates from 2017 AGM

Farr 9.2 Association Annual General Meeting 2016

Our AGM will be held on Sunday 21st August at Jane Brook Winery, 229 Toodyay Rd, Middle Swan.

The Association would like on behalf of the members to say thanks to Jane Brook estate winery for making available their premises and help for our AGM.

The meeting will run from 11:00 to 12:15, with lunch and drinks to follow. Cost for food is $50/head, with skippers to pay for their group on the day. Drinks can be purchased at the bar.

RSVP by Sunday, 14th August to Andrew Hossen.

At this time of year, it can get cold near the foot hills so if it is a cool day, wear something warm.

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Vale Alan Coutts

PA250185It was a sad day in October when Farr crews and others gathered at the stern of Equaliser for a minutes silence to mourn the loss of a dear friend.

Alan was a fierce competitor on the water and the proud skipper of Equaliser for twenty five years. He raced successfully on the ocean as well as on the river and was always ready to offer helpful advice to those joining the fleet. He has left his mark on the Association and is remembered with affection by us all.

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