Farr 9.2 report: November 2024

A particularly wet and windy winter behind us, the Farr 9.2 fleet are all out and racing in the 2024/2025 summer season. We’re looking forward to a superb season of racing – read on for details.

Wrapping up the colder months, the fleet performed very well in the Royal Perth Yacht Club’s Wednesday Winter series – Farrlap (Andrew Hossen) won the division B consistency results, with Farr Fetched (Mario Tascone) in third. Farrlap’s performance over the series also won them the Farr 9.2 Winter Series trophy, for the leading 9.2 on across-the-line results. The RPYC Frostbites series was well attended by 9.2 fleet, with Eufarria (Peter Cook), Lionheart (Warren Westaway), The Black Smoke (Jeremy Kerr), Toravean (Jonathan Wallwork) and Seahawk (Pedro Araujo) out racing in the series.

Eufarria and The Black Smoke at RPYC Opening Day

In preparation for the upcoming season, the Farr 9.2 Association held their annual general meeting in early October, electing the committee for the year and setting the scene for upcoming sailing and social events. Having being elected last year, the executive committee all stood for re-nomination, and were voted in accordingly. The team for the 2024/2025 season will be:

  • President: Leon Koch
  • Vice President: Peter Cook
  • Treasurer / Secretary: Jeremy Kerr
  • Measurer: Victor Johnson
  • OCMs: Rick Barrett, Peter Garside, Murray Rowe, Mario Tascone

Heat one of the Farr 9.2 Metro Series, hosted by RPYC on the 19th of October, had the fleet dust off their spinnaker bags, call up their Saturday crews, and launch into class racing for the season. Despite the disconcertingly-light forecast, the winds on the day arrived steady enough for a very competitive race. Eufarria took an early lead at the start and made it first to the top mark, but some attentive wind-chasing strategy from Farrlap (Kevin Ferguson as guest skipper) brought them to the front, a position they managed to keep to the finish, despite all manner of position changes amongst the rest of the fleet. Farrlap’s across-the-line win corresponded to a second place on handicap, with Eufarria third. The Seahawk team stole the show for the day though, winning first on handicap – their first Farr 9.2 Metro Series win. Well done to Pedro and team.

Seahawk, winning first at heat 1 of the Farr 9.2 Metro Series

The upcoming heats of the Farr 9.2 Metro series will have the 9.2 fleet racing in a range of courses, home at RPYC as well as out at Royal Freshwater Bay Yacht Club and South of Perth Yacht club. Then, the RPYC keelboat state championships in March will bring the fleet out for a super-competitive weekend of racing. For sailing further afield, various fleet members are already preparing their campaigns for the Cockburn Sound Regatta and Geographe Bay Race Week. We’re looking forward to a great season of sailing!

If you’d like to get involved with the fleet, we’re always open to new crew and members – contact Jeremy Kerr on jk@ozlabs.org or 0417 095 745.

Continue ReadingFarr 9.2 report: November 2024

2024 Annual General Meeting

The Farr 9.2 Association’s Annual General Meeting was held on the 16th of October, with the following committee elected for 2024 / 2025:

  • President: Leon Koch
  • Vice President: Peter Cook
  • Treasurer: Jeremy Kerr
  • Secretary: Jeremy Kerr
  • Measurer: Victor Johnson
  • Assistant Measurer: Mario Tascone
  • Handicapper: Leon Koch
  • Ordinary committee members:
    • Rick Barrett
    • Peter Garside
    • Murray Rowe
    • Mario Tascone

Our thanks to everyone attending and all your efforts for the fleet and the association. All the best for a great summer sailing season!

Continue Reading2024 Annual General Meeting

2023 Annual General Meeting

The Farr 9.2 Association’s Annual General Meeting (and pre-season social catch-up) was held on the 8th of October, at Boston Brewing in Victoria Park.

The new committee elected for 2023 / 2024 is:

  • President: Leon Koch
  • Vice President: Peter Cook
  • Treasurer: Jeremy Kerr
  • Secretary: Jeremy Kerr
  • Measurer: Victor Johnson
  • Assistant Measurer: Mario Tascone
  • Handicapper: Leon Koch
  • Ordinary committee members:
    • Kevin Schroeder
    • Tarla Elward
    • Jon Wallwork

Our thanks to everyone for attending and contributing to the meeting, and all the best for a great summer sailing season!

Continue Reading2023 Annual General Meeting

2019 Annual General Meeting

The Farr 9.2 Association’s Annual General Meeting was held on the 25th of August, hosted by Helen and James Baker at their lovely home.

The new committee elected for 2019 / 2020 is:

  • President: Jeremy Kerr
  • Vice President: Murray Rowe
  • Treasurer: James Baker
  • Secretary: Leon Koch
  • Measurer: Victor Johnson
  • Assistant Measurer: Mario Tascone
  • Handicapper: Leon Koch
  • Ordinary committee members:
    • Mario Tascone
    • Helen Baker
    • Jen Leen
    • Peter Garside
    • Greg Armstrong

Our thanks once again to Helen and James for hosting the AGM, and to all the members and friends for contributing the amazing food.

Continue Reading2019 Annual General Meeting

Updates from 2017 AGM

The Farr 9.2 Association’s Annual General meeting was held on the 13th of August, hosted by David and Bev at Jane Brook Wines.

There are a few updates from the meeting:

Committee members for 2017/2018

The new committee elected this year is:

  • President: Andrew Hossen
  • Vice President: Murray Rowe
  • Secretary: Jeremy Kerr
  • Treasurer: Jeremy Kerr
  • Measurer: Victor Johnson
  • Assistant Measurer: Mario Tascone
  • Handicapper & Exec. Comm. Leon Koch
  • YA Representative: Newton Klaebe
  • Ordinary committee: Greg Armstrong

Updated class rules

After a proposed change from last year’s AGM, the Farr 9.2 class rules have been updated to allow new materials for backstay construction. The relevant section (3.5.2) now reads:

3.5.2 Riggings wire shall not be less than 5.5mm diameter for cap shrouds, lower shrouds and forestay. Backstay to be either minimum 5mm stainless steel wire or 5mm

The full class rules document is available for download here: Farr 9.2 Class rules 2017 (PDF, 104KB).

Sailing schedules

The dates for the 2017/2018 metro series have been decided (Notice of Race is coming soon), as well as the State Championships (24th-25th of March).

Many thanks to David, Bev and the team for hosting the AGM, and to our sponsors: Doyle Sails, North Sails, UK sails, Yacht Grot, Bay Marine Services, Edgar Vitte at Yacht Rigging Solutions and Jane Brook Wines.

Continue ReadingUpdates from 2017 AGM

Farr 9.2 Association Annual General Meeting 2016

Our AGM will be held on Sunday 21st August at Jane Brook Winery, 229 Toodyay Rd, Middle Swan.

The Association would like on behalf of the members to say thanks to Jane Brook estate winery for making available their premises and help for our AGM.

The meeting will run from 11:00 to 12:15, with lunch and drinks to follow. Cost for food is $50/head, with skippers to pay for their group on the day. Drinks can be purchased at the bar.

RSVP by Sunday, 14th August to Andrew Hossen.

At this time of year, it can get cold near the foot hills so if it is a cool day, wear something warm.

Continue ReadingFarr 9.2 Association Annual General Meeting 2016

2014-2015 President’s Report

This AGM ends another busy season for the Farr 9.2 Association and concludes my two year term as president.

As we reflect on the season past we are saddened to recall the passing of Alan Coutts. He was a stalwart of our fleet, a gentleman both on and off the water and a fierce competitor. The Farr fleet is not the same without him.

On your behalf I would like to thank David and Bev Atkinson for again allowing us to use Jane Brook Estate as the venue for the meeting and I know you are looking forward to sampling their hospitality shortly.

On the subject of hospitality; I think the Preseason Barbecue at my place was a great success although the journey to Darlington may have deterred some from attending. Next season we revert to a Friday evening event with Jim and Helen Baker as our hosts. Their home in Vic Park is more central so I expect a big turn out.

The Metro Championship Trophy was won again convincingly by Elusive with only 5 points from Seahawk on 9 and Lionheart on 20.

The Metro Consistency Trophy was won by Farrlap with Frenzy second and Igawa third.

Nine boats competed in the State Championships at The Cruising Yacht Club. Elusive won the championship by just 2 points from Igawa ; the runner up was Farrlap.

The States Consistency series was extremely close with the first three boats all on 22 points before drops. After dropping one race there was only one point between them! Itinerant won the trophy, Lionheart was second and Farr Fetched third.

To complete a very successful season Elusive also won the Max Hayes Memorial Trophy and the Commodores cup at CYC.

My international audit of grandchildren prevented me from witnessing the celebrations at Prize Night but I understand that the change of venue to Nedlands Rugby Club and the tapas style menu were well received.

Family duties also prevented me from attending the raft up but I am told that this was also successful and will be repeated next season.

Farrari changed hands during the year and we welcome the new owner John DaSilva to the Association. He is no stranger to the Farr fleet having been a previous owner of Dragonheart before it was renamed Lionheart. John has of course now changed Farrari’s name to Dragonheart! He will be sailing out of TCYC where he is Rear Commodore Sail and I expect him to be competing in the States next season.

You will probably be aware that Equaliser is on the market so I ask you all to see if you can find a suitable owner so that we can keep her racing with us.

At the end of this meeting Jeremy will be unveiling our new Farr 9.2 Association website and explaining how you can use it and also how you can contribute to it.

I would like to thank our sponsors for their ongoing support and encourage you to make use of their services. The names are well known to you.

They are:

  • Doyle Sails
  • UK Sails
  • Matilda bay Marine
  • Yacht Grot
  • Yacht Rigging Solutions
  • On Deck Uniforms

and of course our hosts Jane Brook Wines

My job as president has been made easy by the work of all members of the committee but in particularly by the efforts of your secretary Warren to whom I owe a special thank you.

Continue Reading2014-2015 President’s Report