Notice of race for 2015-2016 metro series

The Notice of Race for the 2015-2016 season is now available:

The race dates are as follows:

  1. RPYC Sat Oct 10th (Opening Day)
  2. PFSYC Sun Nov 1st (Opening Day)
  3. SoPYC Sat Dec 5th
  4. RFBYC Sat Jan 23rd
  5. RPYC Sat Feb 27th (Max Hayes Memorial Trophy)
  6. CYC Sun Mar 13th (Commodores Cup)
  7. RPYC Sat Apr 2nd

The starting handicaps are carried-over from the last race (ie., heat 7) of the 2014/2015 metro series, and do not include any of the results from the state championships. These handicaps are:

Sail Boat name Skipper Handicap
F15 Eufarria George Carter 0.6638
PFS17 Igawa Dave Atkinson 0.6451
R48 Farr Fetched Bruce Meakins 0.6532
R49 Toravean Ken Stokes 0.6300
R92 The Black Smoke Jeremy Kerr 0.6650
R100 Itinerant Mark Hansen 0.6581
R105 Farrlap Andrew Hossen 0.6506
R145 Dragonheart John DaSilva 0.6833
R181 Farr Far Away James Baker 0.6366
R192 Frenzy Murray Rowe 0.6490
R242 Seahawk Patrick Jones 0.6689
R267 Elusive Richard Brisbane-Cohen 0.6720
SP271 Scalloway David Pearce 0.6712
R920 Equaliser Ian Barron 0.6720
RF1145 Farago Stephen Breen 0.6833
R1920 Lionheart Warren Westaway 0.6423

Update: Rumour has it that Equaliser may be joining us for heat 1; I’ve updated her handicap for a new entrant in the fleet.

Continue ReadingNotice of race for 2015-2016 metro series

Using the Farr 9.2 Association online calendar

With the launch of the new Farr 9.2 Association website, we have also published an events calendar, to make it easy to view the upcoming racing and social events. You can access this calendar online, or on your phone/tablet device.

A summary of upcoming events will always be listed on the right-hand sidebar of the website. If you’d like a day-planner type view of the events, you can view the Farr 9.2 events calendar page. You can bookmark that page for easy reference.

Instructions for adding the calendar to your mobile device will depend on what kind of calendar setup you have.

If you use an iPhone / iPad, and don’t use Google calendar:

  1. Long-press on the following link, and select Copy Link URL
  2. Launch the Settings app on your iPhone or iPad.
  3. Tap Mail, Contacts, Calendars.
  4. Tap Add Account… under the Accounts section.
  5. Tap Other.
  6. Tap Add Subscribed Calendar under the Other section.
  7. Long-press in the Server text area, and select Paste.
  8. Tap the Next button in the top-right corner.
  9. Tap the Save button in the top-right corner.

If you already use Google calendar on your iPhone / iPad or Android device:

  1. On your computer, open Google Calendar.
  2. On the left side, find “Other calendars” and click the down arrow .
  3. Select Add by URL.
  4. Enter (or copy & paste) the following address into the field provided:
  5. Click Add calendar. The calendar will appear on the left side under “Other calendars.”

If you have any trouble, get in touch with me (Jeremy) at the next race or social event – I’d be happy to help set it up for you in person.

Continue ReadingUsing the Farr 9.2 Association online calendar

2014-2015 President’s Report

This AGM ends another busy season for the Farr 9.2 Association and concludes my two year term as president.

As we reflect on the season past we are saddened to recall the passing of Alan Coutts. He was a stalwart of our fleet, a gentleman both on and off the water and a fierce competitor. The Farr fleet is not the same without him.

On your behalf I would like to thank David and Bev Atkinson for again allowing us to use Jane Brook Estate as the venue for the meeting and I know you are looking forward to sampling their hospitality shortly.

On the subject of hospitality; I think the Preseason Barbecue at my place was a great success although the journey to Darlington may have deterred some from attending. Next season we revert to a Friday evening event with Jim and Helen Baker as our hosts. Their home in Vic Park is more central so I expect a big turn out.

The Metro Championship Trophy was won again convincingly by Elusive with only 5 points from Seahawk on 9 and Lionheart on 20.

The Metro Consistency Trophy was won by Farrlap with Frenzy second and Igawa third.

Nine boats competed in the State Championships at The Cruising Yacht Club. Elusive won the championship by just 2 points from Igawa ; the runner up was Farrlap.

The States Consistency series was extremely close with the first three boats all on 22 points before drops. After dropping one race there was only one point between them! Itinerant won the trophy, Lionheart was second and Farr Fetched third.

To complete a very successful season Elusive also won the Max Hayes Memorial Trophy and the Commodores cup at CYC.

My international audit of grandchildren prevented me from witnessing the celebrations at Prize Night but I understand that the change of venue to Nedlands Rugby Club and the tapas style menu were well received.

Family duties also prevented me from attending the raft up but I am told that this was also successful and will be repeated next season.

Farrari changed hands during the year and we welcome the new owner John DaSilva to the Association. He is no stranger to the Farr fleet having been a previous owner of Dragonheart before it was renamed Lionheart. John has of course now changed Farrari’s name to Dragonheart! He will be sailing out of TCYC where he is Rear Commodore Sail and I expect him to be competing in the States next season.

You will probably be aware that Equaliser is on the market so I ask you all to see if you can find a suitable owner so that we can keep her racing with us.

At the end of this meeting Jeremy will be unveiling our new Farr 9.2 Association website and explaining how you can use it and also how you can contribute to it.

I would like to thank our sponsors for their ongoing support and encourage you to make use of their services. The names are well known to you.

They are:

  • Doyle Sails
  • UK Sails
  • Matilda bay Marine
  • Yacht Grot
  • Yacht Rigging Solutions
  • On Deck Uniforms

and of course our hosts Jane Brook Wines

My job as president has been made easy by the work of all members of the committee but in particularly by the efforts of your secretary Warren to whom I owe a special thank you.

Continue Reading2014-2015 President’s Report

Results for the 2014-2015 season

After a great 2014-2015 season, the results for the fleet are as follows:

Farr 9.2 State Championship

Championship results

  1. Elusive – Richard Brisbane-Cohen
  2. Igawa – David Atkinson
  3. Farrlap – Andrew Hossen

Consistency results

  1. Itinerant – Mark Hansen
  2. Lionheart – Warren Westaway
  3. Farr Fetched – Bruce Meakins

Swan River Metro Series

Championship results

  1. Elusive – Richard Brisbane-Cohen
  2. Seahawk – Patrick Jones
  3. Lionheart – Warren Westaway

Consistency results

  1. Farrlap – Andrew Hossen
  2. Frenzy – Murray Rowe
  3. Igawa – David Atkinson

Max Hayes Memorial Trophy

  • Elusive – Richard Brisbane-Cohen

CYC Commodore’s Cup

  • Elusive – Richard Brisbane-Cohen

Congratulations to all of the trophy-winners, and well done for the fierce competition from the rest of the fleet.

For those wanting extra detail, we also have the points tables available for the metro series & states. As usual, these are split into “Championship” (ie., times across the line), and “Consistency” (ie., after accounting for handicap) results.

The handicaps calculated from the final race of the Swan River Metro Series will be used as the starting handicaps for the 2015-2016 season, with any new entrants receiving the series winner’s handicap. Sail well in the new season!

Continue ReadingResults for the 2014-2015 season

Vale Alan Coutts

PA250185It was a sad day in October when Farr crews and others gathered at the stern of Equaliser for a minutes silence to mourn the loss of a dear friend.

Alan was a fierce competitor on the water and the proud skipper of Equaliser for twenty five years. He raced successfully on the ocean as well as on the river and was always ready to offer helpful advice to those joining the fleet. He has left his mark on the Association and is remembered with affection by us all.

Continue ReadingVale Alan Coutts

Raft up: Sunday 1st Feb

Your committee is planning to have a “raft-up” on Sunday 1st February.

The Sequicentenary Cup is also being held on Saturday. Apparently some are considering overnighting on their boats and having a self catered BBQ breakfast at RPYC before the raft-up!

Richard Brisbane Cohen suggests the area just past SoPYC as we can pick up a yellow mooring and raft up off the boat on the mooring if weather permits. Maybe he should be the trail-blazer as he has done it before.

The way I understand this works is that we invite friends, family, crew and leave the club at a designated time (to be advised), have a leisurely sail to the agreed location then raft-up. You can then enjoy some pre luncheon drinks, picnic lunch and a boozy afternoon mixing with those on the other boats, having a swim and whatever else takes your fancy. We then sail back to the club at an agreed time (to be advised).

Please us know if you’ll be coming, by the 20th of Jan. Either comment on this post (along with your boat name), or send an email to Warren.

Continue ReadingRaft up: Sunday 1st Feb