Farr 9.2 Report – August 2021

Another season is upon us! Our latest Farr 9.2 report includes results of the last season, events over winter, and our new plans for 2021-2022 events.

Over the winter, the 9.2s have been keeping active in Wednesday afternoon racing, with almost all of the fleet sailing regularly, within division B. Itinerant (Mark Hansen) has taken first place in mini series one, and at the time of writing, Farrlap (Andrew Hossen) is only a handful of points away from the lead for mini series two. While the frostbites races have been a little quieter, well done to Itinerant and Farr Far Away (James Baker) for braving the weather and getting out there, with spinnakers flying, in the winter cold.

Despite a couple of pandemic-related delays, the fleet managed to get together for our salubrious prize night event, this year held at the RPYC Fremantle Annex. Our esteemed trophy winners on the night were:

Farr 9.2 State Championships 2021 – championship:

1st: Itinerant (Mark Hansen)

2nd: Farrlap (Andrew Hossen)

3rd: Lionheart (Warren Westaway)

Farr 9.2 State Championships 2021 – consistency:

1st: The Black Smoke (Jeremy Kerr)

2nd: Elusive (Richard Brisbane-Cohen)

3rd: Seahawk (Pat Jones)

Farr 9.2 Swan River Metro Series – championship:

1st: Seahawk (Pat Jones)

2nd: Itinerant (Mark Hansen)

3rd: Elusive (Richard Brisbane-Cohen)

Farr 9.2 Swan River Metro Series – consistency:

1st: Farrlap (Andrew Hossen)

2nd: The Black Smoke (Jeremy Kerr)

3rd: Lionheart (Warren Westaway)

Farr 9.2 Lady Skipper Trophy – championship:

1st: The Black Smoke (Jen Leen)

2nd: Farr Fetched (Sarah Liddiard)

3rd: Itinerant (Fiona Laing)

Congratulations to all skippers and crew throughout the fleet, for a great season of competitive racing.

For the next season’s racing calendar, we have planned an exciting fleet-racing series over the summer, consisting of nine races at various clubs around the river – Royal Perth Yacht Club, Royal Freshwater Bay Yacht Club, and South of Perth Yacht Club. We’ve introduced a set of windward-leeward races too, to test out the teams in different race formats. This schedule gives us a variety of courses, and an opportunity to join in with other clubs’ results presentations (and sample their post-race chips!). Our State Championships event this year is scheduled for the March long weekend, along with the S80 and S97 fleets at Owen Anchorage, with post-race social events at the RPYC Annex. Planning is still in progress, but it’s looking to be a great regatta.

In boat-related news, we’ve heard that Dragonheart has recently changed hands – previous owner John Da Silva has sold to new joint owners Tarla Elward and Kevin Schroeder. They tell us that they’ll be setting up a cruisy configuration, for regular summer twilights and trips out to Rottnest. Sounds ideal!

The Farr 9.2 fleet are always keen to welcome newcomers – both for competitive fleet racing and not-so-serious social events. If you’d like to join one of our boats, a few teams are looking for new crew; email the Association on secretary@farr92.asn.au to get in touch.

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