Metro series 2018-2019 overall results

The Farr 9.2 Association held its annual Prize Night on Friday the 17th of May at Royal Perth Yacht Club.

Final results and trophies were presented for the 2019 State Championship, the 2018-2019 Metro Series overall results and also for the various special races we have throughout the season.

The overall results for the Metro series are as follows:

Farr 9.2 Association Championship 2018/2019

# Sail Boat Total Nett 13/10: 10/11: 24/11: 8/12/: 19/01: 9/02/: 17/03: 13/04:
1 R105 Farrlap 23 9 2(2) 1(1) 1(1) [4](4) 2(2) [10](DNF) 2(2) 1(1)
2 R267 Elusive 23 14 [5](DPI) 3(3) 2(2) 3(3) 1(1) 2(2) 3(3) [4](4)
3 R1920 Lionheart 40 23 4(4) 5(5) [7](7) 2(2) 5(5) [10](DNF) 5(5) 2(2)
4 R100 Itinerant 49 25 6(6) 2(2) 5(5) 6(6) [12](DNC) 1(1) [12](DNC) 5(5)
5 R242 Seahawk 54 30 12(DNC) 4(4) [12](DNC) [12](DNC) 3(3) 3(3) 1(1) 7(7)
6 R48 Farr Fetched 55 31 5(5) 12(DNC) 3(3) 1(1) [12](DNC) 4(4) [12](DNC) 6(6)
7 R192 Frenzy 51 32 3(3) [9](9) 6(6) 5(5) 4(4) [10](DNF) 6(6) 8(8)
8 R181 Farr Far Away 63 39 7(7) 8(8) [12](DNC) [12](DNC) 7(7) 10(DNF) 4(4) 3(3)
9 R92 The Black Smoke 71 47 8(8) 6(6) 8(8) [12](DNC) 6(6) 10(DNF) [12](DNC) 9(9)
10 SP920 Igawa 77 53 12(DNC) 7(7) 4(4) 7(7) 12(DNC) [12](DNC) [12](DNC) 11(DNF)
11 R920 Equaliser 96 72 12(DNC) 12(DNC) 12(DNC) 12(DNC) 12(DNC) 12(DNC) [12](DNC) [12](DNC)

Farr 9.2 Association Consistency 2018/2019

# Sail Boat Total Nett 13/10: 10/11: 24/11: 8/12/: 19/01: 9/02/: 17/03: 13/04:
1 R1920 Lionheart 36.5 19.5 1.5(1) 6(6) [7](7) 2(2) 3(3) [10](DNF) 5(5) 2(2)
2 R100 Itinerant 46 22 7(7) 1(1) 5(5) 4(4) [12](DNC) 1(1) [12](DNC) 4(4)
3 R105 Farrlap 39 22 4(4) 4(4) 2(2) [7](7) 6(6) [10](DNF) 3(3) 3(3)
4 R267 Elusive 35 23 6(DPI) 5(5) 4(4) [6](6) 2(2) 2(2) 4(4) [6](6)
5 R192 Frenzy 43.5 24.5 1.5(1) [9](9) 6(6) 3(3) 1(1) [10](DNF) 6(6) 7(7)
6 R181 Farr Far Away 50 26 5(5) 2(2) [12](DNC) [12](DNC) 7(7) 10(DNF) 1(1) 1(1)
7 R48 Farr Fetched 53 29 6(6) 12(DNC) 1(1) 1(1) [12](DNC) 4(4) [12](DNC) 5(5)
8 R242 Seahawk 62 38 12(DNC) 8(8) [12](DNC) [12](DNC) 4(4) 3(3) 2(2) 9(9)
9 R92 The Black Smoke 66 42 8(8) 3(3) 8(8) [12](DNC) 5(5) 10(DNF) [12](DNC) 8(8)
10 SP920 Igawa 74 50 12(DNC) 7(7) 3(3) 5(5) 12(DNC) [12](DNC) [12](DNC) 11(DNF)
11 R920 Equaliser 96 72 12(DNC) 12(DNC) 12(DNC) 12(DNC) 12(DNC) 12(DNC) [12](DNC) [12](DNC)

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