Notice of race for 2016-2017 metro series

The Notice of Race for the 2016-2017 season is now available:

The race dates are as follows:

  1. RPYC Sat Oct 8th (Opening Day)
  2. PFSYC Sun Nov 6th (Opening Day)
  3. SoPYC Sat Dec 3
  4. RPYC Sat Dec 17th
  5. RFBYC Sat Jan 21st
  6. RPYC Sat Feb 25th (Max Hayes Memorial Trophy)
  7. CYC Sun Mar 19th Commodores Cup (Karrakatta Trophy)
  8. RPYC Sat April 1st

As usual, the racing calendar is available electronically – both on the sidebar of this website, or can be incorporated into your calendar application. See Using the Farr 9.2 Association online calendar for instructions.

The starting handicaps are carried-over from the last race (ie., heat 7) of the 2015/2016 metro series, and do not include any of the results from the state championships. These handicaps are:

Sail Boat name Skipper hcap
F15 Eufarria George Carter 0.6577
PFS17 Igawa Dave Atkinson 0.6417
R48 Farr Fetched Bruce Meakins 0.6244
R49 Toravean Ken Stokes 0.6349
R92 The Black Smoke Jeremy Kerr 0.6326
R100 Itinerant Mark Hansen 0.6372
R105 Farrlap Andrew Hossen 0.6577
R145 Dragonheart John DaSilva 0.6577
R181 Farr Far Away James Baker 0.6329
R192 Frenzy Murray Rowe 0.6193
R242 Seahawk Patrick Jones 0.6424
R267 Elusive Richard Brisbane-Cohen 0.6479
SP271 Scalloway David Pearce 0.6577
R920 Equaliser Ian Barron 0.6577
RF1145 Farago Stephen Breen 0.6577
R1920 Lionheart Warren Westaway 0.6347

All the best for the sailing season – we’ll see you out on the water!

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