Results for Metro Series heat 8

After an exciting, exhausting and closely fought State Championships, the fleet was back racing on the river for Heat 8 of the Metro series. Itinerant continued on from their run of great results at the States, coming home first and fastest, followed by Eufarria in second and Lionheart third.

Sail Boat Skipper Hcap Elapsed Corrected Over line On Hcap Code
R100 Itinerant Mark Hansen 0.6874 02:18:15 01:35:02 1 1 FIN
R152 Eufarria Peter Cook 0.6788 02:21:19 01:35:56 4 2 FIN
R1920 Lionheart Warren Westaway 0.6898 02:19:35 01:36:17 2 3 FIN
R105 Farrlap Andrew Hossen 0.6810 02:21:43 01:36:31 5 4 FIN
R92 The Black Smoke Jeremy Kerr 0.6841 02:22:38 01:37:35 6 5 FIN
R267 Elusive Richard Brisbane-Cohen 0.7063 02:19:42 01:38:40 3 6 FIN
R242 Seahawk Pedro Araujo/Juan Roman 0.7000 02:25:53 01:42:07 7 7 FIN

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