Results for Metro Series heat 1

Another summer sailing season has started, with the fleet racing out of Royal Perth Yacht Club for Heat 1 of the Metro series. The celebration and cheer of last weekend’s RPYC opening day was put aside, with everyone instead bringing their serious “sheepstation racing” faces (and start line approaches!). Thankfully the weather predictions did not eventuate, and the fleet had a clean start in decent breeze.

The Black Smoke tacked off to the northern side of the river, and was rewarded as first round the top mark. They held the lead until the last downwind run, with Elusive avoiding the middle of the river and picking a path just near Squadron and Nedlands Yacht Club. A drop in the wind and lucky shift rewarded the gamble, with Elusive coming home fastest, followed by The Black Smoke and Eufarria in third.

Sail Boat Skipper Hcap Elapsed Corrected Over line On Hcap Code
R92 The Black Smoke Jeremy Kerr .6787 1:54:41 1:17:50 2 1 FIN
R267 Elusive Richard Brisbane-Cohen .6967 1:53:52 1:19:20 1 2 FIN
R1920 Lionheart Warren Westaway .6929 1:56:06 1:20:27 4 3 FIN
R152 Eufarria Peter Cook .7000 1:56:00 1:21:12 3 4 FIN
R105 Farrlap Andrew Hossen .6936 1:57:17 1:21:21 5 5 FIN
R100 Itinerant Mark Hansen .7000 2:00:18 1:24:13 6 6 FIN
R48 Farr Fetched Bruce Meakins .6903 2:02:39 1:24:40 7 7 FIN
R192 Frenzy Murray Rowe .6847 2:04:03 1:24:56 8 8 FIN
Continue ReadingResults for Metro Series heat 1

2023 Annual General Meeting

The Farr 9.2 Association’s Annual General Meeting (and pre-season social catch-up) was held on the 8th of October, at Boston Brewing in Victoria Park.

The new committee elected for 2023 / 2024 is:

  • President: Leon Koch
  • Vice President: Peter Cook
  • Treasurer: Jeremy Kerr
  • Secretary: Jeremy Kerr
  • Measurer: Victor Johnson
  • Assistant Measurer: Mario Tascone
  • Handicapper: Leon Koch
  • Ordinary committee members:
    • Kevin Schroeder
    • Tarla Elward
    • Jon Wallwork

Our thanks to everyone for attending and contributing to the meeting, and all the best for a great summer sailing season!

Continue Reading2023 Annual General Meeting

Notice of race for 2023-2024 Metro Series

The Notice of Race for the 2023-2024 season is now available:

Farr 9.2 Metro Series 2023-2024 NoR (PDF, 32kB)

The Metro Series race dates are as follows:

  • 21 October 2023: Heat 1, RPYC
  • 4 November 2023: Heat 2 & Max Hayes Memorial Trophy, RPYC
  • 25 November 2023: Heat 3, SoPYC
  • 9 December 2023: Heats 4 & 5 – windward/leeward races, RPYC
  • 20 January 2024: Heat 6, RPYC
  • 10 February 2024: Heat 7, RFBYC
  • 16 March 2024: Heat 8, RPYC
  • 6 April 2024: Heat 9 & Allan Coutts Memorial Trophy, RPYC

The calendar is also available electronically – please see Using the Farr 9.2 Association online calendar for details.

Handicaps will be allocated based on the results from the previous Metro season. Sailing instructions, courses and any special supplemental information will be emailed to skippers prior to each Heat.

All the best for the season!

Continue ReadingNotice of race for 2023-2024 Metro Series

Metro series 2022-2023 overall results

The Farr 9.2 Association held its annual Prize Night on the 26th of May. Trophies and prizes were presented for the 2023 State Championships, the 2022-2023 Metro Series overall results, and other special races we held throughout the season.
The overall results for the Metro series were as follows:

Farr 9.2 Association Championship 2022/2023

# Sail Boat Total Nett 15/10: 29/10: 19/11: 10/12: 21/01: 18/02: 1/04/: 15/04:
1 R100 Itinerant 20 10 1(1) 3(3) 1(1) 1(1) [4](4) 1(1) [6](6) 3(3)
2 R181 Farr Far Away 19 10 [6](6) 2(2) 2(2) 2(2) 2(2) [3](3) 1(1) 1(1)
3 R267 Elusive 25.5 15.5 3(3) [6](6) 3(3) 3.5(3) 1(1) 2(2) 3(3) [4](4)
4 R105 Farrlap 27.5 17.5 2(2) 4(4) [5](5) 4.5(4) 3(3) [5](5) 2(2) 2(2)
5 R92 The Black Smoke 43.5 27.5 4(4) 1(1) 6(6) 5.5(5) 7(7) [7](7) 4(4) [9](DNC)
6 R48 Farr Fetched 53.5 35.5 8(8) 7(7) [9](DNC) 5.5(5) 6(6) 4(4) 5(5) [9](DNC)
7 R1920 Lionheart 54 36 7(7) 5(5) 4(4) 9(DNC) 5(5) 6(6) [9](DNC) [9](DNC)
8 R192 Frenzy 64 46 5(5) 8(8) 9(DNC) 6(7) 9(DNC) 9(DNC) [9](DNC) [9](DNC)

Farr 9.2 Association Consistency 2022/2023

# Sail Boat Total Nett 15/10: 29/10: 19/11: 10/12: 21/01: 18/02: 1/04/: 15/04:
1 R105 Farrlap 24.5 15.5 1(1) 4(4) [5](5) 3.5(2) 2(2) [4](4) 3(3) 2(2)
2 R181 Farr Far Away 32.5 19.5 [7](7) 6(6) 2(2) 1.5(1) 4(4) [6](6) 5(5) 1(1)
3 R48 Farr Fetched 38 20 8(8) 2(2) [9](DNC) 4(3) 3(3) 1(1) 2(2) [9](DNC)
4 R267 Elusive 32 20 5(5) [7](7) 4(4) [5](4) 1(1) 2(2) 4(4) 4(4)
5 R92 The Black Smoke 37.5 21.5 3(3) 1(1) 6(6) 5.5(5) 5(5) [7](7) 1(1) [9](DNC)
6 R100 Itinerant 37.5 22.5 4(4) [8](8) 1(1) 3.5(2) [7](7) 5(5) 6(6) 3(3)
7 R1920 Lionheart 48 30 6(6) 3(3) 3(3) 9(DNC) 6(6) 3(3) [9](DNC) [9](DNC)
8 R192 Frenzy 57 39 2(2) 5(5) 9(DNC) 5(4) 9(DNC) 9(DNC) [9](DNC) [9](DNC)
Continue ReadingMetro series 2022-2023 overall results

State Championships 2023 results

The Farr 9.2 State Championships for 2023 were held over the March long weekend, racing at Owen Anchorage and hosted at the RPYC Fremantle Annex. This year we thankfully had an uninterrupted racing and social program, with close and competitive racing on the water.
A huge thank you to Royal Perth Yacht Club, all the staff and volunteers for putting on a great event.
Thanks as always to our generous prize sponsors for our State Championships racing:
The final results for the States were announced on the final day of the event, and trophies were present at our recent Association Prize Night.

Farr 9.2 States Championship 2023

# Sail Boat Skipper Total Nett 04/03 1 04/03 2 04/03 3 05/03 1 05/03 2 05/03 3 06/03 1
1 R100 Itinerant Mark Hansen 13 9 1( 1) 1( 1) 1( 1) 4( 4) 1( 1) 1( 1) [ 4]( 4)
2 R181 Farr Far Away Ben Nicholas 15 12 2( 2) 2( 2) 3( 3) 1( 1) 3( 3) [ 3]( 3) 1( 1)
3 R267 Elusive Richard Brisbane Cohen 23 15 3( 3) 4( 4) [ 8](DNF) 2( 2) 2( 2) 2( 2) 2( 2)
4 R92 The Black Smoke Jeremy Kerr 26 21 5( 5) 3( 3) 2( 2) 3( 3) 4( 4) 4( 4) [ 5]( 5)
5 R48 Farr Fetched Bruce Meakins 38 31 4( 4) 5( 5) 5( 5) 6( 6) 5( 5) 6( 6) [ 7]( 7)
6 R242 Seahawk Jake McAuliffe 42 34 7( 7) 6( 6) 6( 6) 5( 5) [ 8](DNF) 7( 7) 3( 3)
7 R105 Farrlap Andrew Hossen 41 34 6( 6) 7( 7) 4( 4) [ 7]( 7) 6( 6) 5( 5) 6( 6)

Farr 9.2 States Consistency 2023

# Sail Boat Skipper Total Nett 04/03 1 04/03 2 04/03 3 05/03 1 05/03 2 05/03 3 06/03 1
1 R92 The Black Smoke Jeremy Kerr 20 15 1( 1) 1( 1) 2( 2) 4( 4) 4( 4) 3( 3) [ 5]( 5)
2 R267 Elusive Richard Brisbane Cohen 27.5 19.5 5( 5) 5( 5) [ 8](DNF) 2.5( 2) 2( 2) 2( 2) 3( 3)
3 R181 Farr Far Away Ben Nicholas 26.5 20.5 2( 2) 3.5( 3) 6( 6) 1( 1) 6( 6) [ 6]( 6) 2( 2)
4 R105 Farrlap Andrew Hossen 28 22 6( 6) [ 6]( 6) 1( 1) 5( 5) 5( 5) 1( 1) 4( 4)
5 R48 Farr Fetched Bruce Meakins 29 22 4( 4) 2( 2) 4( 4) 7( 7) 1( 1) 4( 4) [ 7]( 7)
6 R100 Itinerant Mark Hansen 29.5 23.5 3( 3) 3.5( 3) 3( 3) 6( 6) 3( 3) 5( 5) [ 6]( 6)
7 R242 Seahawk Jake McAuliffe 37.5 29.5 7( 7) 7( 7) 5( 5) 2.5( 2) [ 8](DNF) 7( 7) 1( 1)

The individual race results were as follows:

Race 1

Sail Boat Skipper Hcap Elapsed Corrected Over Line On Hcap Code
R92 The Black Smoke J.Kerr .5350 1:04:17 0:34:23 5 1 FIN
R181 Farr Far Away B.Nicholas .5618 1:01:29 0:34:32 2 2 FIN
R100 Itinerant M.Hansen .5648 1:01:12 0:34:34 1 3 FIN
R48 Farr Fetched B.Meakins .5452 1:03:55 0:34:51 4 4 FIN
R267 Elusive R.Brisbane Cohen .5585 1:02:30 0:34:54 3 5 FIN
R105 Farrlap A.Hossen .5537 1:05:42 0:36:23 6 6 FIN
R242 Seahawk J.McAuliffe .5648 1:09:21 0:39:10 7 7 FIN

Race 2

Sail Boat Skipper Hcap Elapsed Corrected Over Line On Hcap Code
R92 The Black Smoke J.Kerr .5472 1:15:03 0:41:04 3 1 FIN
R48 Farr Fetched B.Meakins .5413 1:17:14 0:41:48 5 2 FIN
R181 Farr Far Away B.Nicholas .5661 1:14:06 0:41:57 2 3= FIN
R100 Itinerant M.Hansen .5699 1:13:36 0:41:57 1 3= FIN
R267 Elusive R.Brisbane Cohen .5610 1:16:00 0:42:38 4 5 FIN
R105 Farrlap A.Hossen .5477 1:18:19 0:42:54 7 6 FIN
R242 Seahawk J.McAuliffe .5648 1:17:15 0:43:38 6 7 FIN

Race 3

Sail Boat Skipper Hcap Elapsed Corrected Over Line On Hcap Code
R105 Farrlap A.Hossen .5396 1:02:24 0:33:40 4 1 FIN
R92 The Black Smoke J.Kerr .5476 1:01:49 0:33:51 2 2 FIN
R100 Itinerant M.Hansen .5658 1:00:00 0:33:57 1 3 FIN
R48 Farr Fetched B.Meakins .5404 1:03:10 0:34:08 5 4 FIN
R242 Seahawk J.McAuliffe .5487 1:03:15 0:34:42 6 5 FIN
R181 Farr Far Away B.Nicholas .5637 1:02:00 0:34:57 3 6 FIN
R267 Elusive R.Brisbane Cohen .5545 7= 7= DNF

Race 4

Sail Boat Skipper Hcap Elapsed Corrected Over Line On Hcap Code
R181 Farr Far Away B.Nicholas .5626 1:04:48 0:36:27 1 1 FIN
R267 Elusive R.Brisbane Cohen .5545 1:07:11 0:37:15 2 2= FIN
R242 Seahawk J.McAuliffe .5481 1:07:57 0:37:15 5 2= FIN
R92 The Black Smoke J.Kerr .5519 1:07:38 0:37:20 3 4 FIN
R105 Farrlap A.Hossen .5378 1:11:21 0:38:22 7 5 FIN
R100 Itinerant M.Hansen .5658 1:07:50 0:38:23 4 6 FIN
R48 Farr Fetched B.Meakins .5404 1:11:15 0:38:30 6 7 FIN

Race 5

Sail Boat Skipper Hcap Elapsed Corrected Over Line On Hcap Code
R48 Farr Fetched B.Meakins .5382 1:00:49 0:32:44 5 1 FIN
R267 Elusive R.Brisbane Cohen .5526 0:59:52 0:33:05 2 2 FIN
R100 Itinerant M.Hansen .5658 0:58:45 0:33:14 1 3 FIN
R92 The Black Smoke J.Kerr .5519 1:00:39 0:33:28 4 4 FIN
R105 Farrlap A.Hossen .5378 1:02:16 0:33:29 6 5 FIN
R181 Farr Far Away B.Nicholas .5674 1:00:23 0:34:16 3 6 FIN
R242 Seahawk J.McAuliffe .5439 7= 7= DNF

Race 6

Sail Boat Skipper Hcap Elapsed Corrected Over Line On Hcap Code
R105 Farrlap A.Hossen .5377 1:00:40 0:32:37 5 1 FIN
R267 Elusive R.Brisbane Cohen .5526 0:59:22 0:32:48 2 2 FIN
R92 The Black Smoke J.Kerr .5482 0:59:55 0:32:51 4 3 FIN
R48 Farr Fetched B.Meakins .5407 1:01:04 0:33:01 6 4 FIN
R100 Itinerant M.Hansen .5645 0:58:32 0:33:03 1 5 FIN
R181 Farr Far Away B.Nicholas .5604 0:59:25 0:33:18 3 6 FIN
R242 Seahawk J.McAuliffe .5439 1:03:04 0:34:18 7 7 FIN

Race 7

Sail Boat Skipper Hcap Elapsed Corrected Over Line On Hcap Code
R242 Seahawk J.McAuliffe .5408 1:02:50 0:33:59 3 1 FIN
R181 Farr Far Away B.Nicholas .5623 1:01:11 0:34:24 1 2 FIN
R267 Elusive R.Brisbane Cohen .5531 1:02:24 0:34:31 2 3 FIN
R105 Farrlap A.Hossen .5366 1:04:25 0:34:34 6 4 FIN
R92 The Black Smoke J.Kerr .5480 1:03:40 0:34:53 5 5 FIN
R100 Itinerant M.Hansen .5623 1:03:20 0:35:37 4 6 FIN
R48 Farr Fetched B.Meakins .5411 1:11:56 0:38:55 7 7 FIN
Continue ReadingState Championships 2023 results

Results for Metro Series heat 9

The final race of the 2022/2023 Metro series was held on 15 April 2023 at RPYC for the Alan Coutts memorial trophy.

Despite the reduced fleet, close competition between our series leaders, Itinerant and Farr Far Away, continued. Fluky winds prevailed throughout the afternoon, with Farr Far Away picking it perfectly and stealing away to finish over 6 minutes ahead of the fleet! A fantastic effort.

Sail Boat Skipper Hcap Elapsed Corrected Over line On Hcap Code
R181 Farr Far Away Ben Nicholas 0.5570 01:57:14 01:05:18 1 1 FIN
R105 Farrlap Andrew Hossen 0.5518 02:03:41 01:08:15 2 2 FIN
R100 Itinerant Mark Hansen 0.5556 02:03:51 01:08:49 3 3 FIN
R267 Elusive Richard Brisbane-Cohen 0.5585 02:04:06 01:09:19 4 4 FIN
Continue ReadingResults for Metro Series heat 9