Results for Metro Series heat 3

The fleet was hosted by South of Perth Yacht Club for Heat 3 of the Metro series, with the race starting in a very shifty and light north easterly breeze.

The first leg to Bricklanding served up something for everyone… each boat seemed to take a turn leading, then getting becalmed, and then wondering what strange narrow breeze their competition had found.

Itinerant committed to the Nedlands side of the course and found the incoming breeze, rounding the mark first. They successfully held that lead for the rest of the race, finishing first across the line.

Farr Fetched was first on handicap, with Frenzy second and Igawa third.

Sail Boat Skipper Hcap Elapsed Corrected Over line On Hcap Code
R48 Farr Fetched Bruce Meakins 0.5590 03:18:12 01:50:48 7 1 FIN
R192 Frenzy Murray Rowe 0.5581 03:18:48 01:50:57 8 2 FIN
SP920 Igawa Dave Atkinson 0.5662 03:16:12 01:51:05 2 3 FIN
R242 Seahawk Patrick Jones 0.5657 03:17:07 01:51:31 4 4 FIN
R92 The Black Smoke Jeremy Kerr 0.5651 03:17:53 01:51:49 6 5 FIN
R1920 Lionheart Warren Westaway 0.5669 03:17:23 01:51:54 5 6 FIN
R105 Farrlap Andrew Hossen 0.5681 03:17:05 01:51:58 3 7 FIN
R181 Farr Far Away James Baker 0.5620 03:19:33 01:52:09 9 8 FIN
R100 Itinerant Mark Hansen 0.5821 03:13:39 01:52:43 1 9 FIN
R267 Elusive Richard Brisbane-Cohen 0.5836 03:23:38 01:58:50 10 10 FIN

Farr 9.2 Association Championship 2021/2022

# Sail Boat Total Nett 16/10: 30/10: 20/11:
1 R100 Itinerant 4 4 1(1) 2(2) 1(1)
2 R105 Farrlap 12 12 6(6) 3(3) 3(3)
3 R1920 Lionheart 13 13 2(2) 6(6) 5(5)
4 R242 Seahawk 13 13 5(5) 4(4) 4(4)
5 R267 Elusive 14 14 3(3) 1(1) 10(10)
6 R92 The Black Smoke 15 15 4(4) 5(5) 6(6)
7 SP920 Igawa 21 21 11(DNC) 8(8) 2(2)
8 R48 Farr Fetched 22 22 8(8) 7(7) 7(7)
9 R192 Frenzy 26 26 9(9) 9(9) 8(8)
10 R181 Farr Far Away 27 27 7(7) 11(DNC) 9(9)

Farr 9.2 Association Consistency 2021/2022

# Sail Boat Total Nett 16/10: 30/10: 20/11:
1 R92 The Black Smoke 9 9 3(3) 1(1) 5(5)
2 R1920 Lionheart 10 10 1(1) 3(3) 6(6)
3 R192 Frenzy 13 13 6(6) 5(5) 2(2)
4 R100 Itinerant 15 15 2(2) 4(4) 9(9)
5 R242 Seahawk 15 15 5(5) 6(6) 4(4)
6 R48 Farr Fetched 17 17 8(8) 8(8) 1(1)
7 R105 Farrlap 18 18 9(9) 2(2) 7(7)
8 SP920 Igawa 23 23 11(DNC) 9(9) 3(3)
9 R181 Farr Far Away 23 23 4(4) 11(DNC) 8(8)
10 R267 Elusive 24 24 7(7) 7(7) 10(10)
Continue ReadingResults for Metro Series heat 3

Results for Metro Series heat 2

Heat 2 of the Metro series was held at the Royal Perth Yacht Club, racing for the Max Hayes memorial trophy. Elusive, and Itinerant exchanged the lead early on, with Seahawk and Farrlap also close behind. Elusive came home first to take out the Trophy, with The Black Smoke first on handicap.

Sail Boat Skipper Hcap Elapsed Corrected Over line On Hcap Code
R92 The Black Smoke Jeremy Kerr 0.5632 02:24:58 01:21:39 5 1 FIN
R105 Farrlap Andrew Hossen 0.5730 02:23:37 01:22:18 3 2 FIN
R1920 Lionheart Warren Westaway 0.5661 02:25:44 01:22:30 6 3 FIN
R100 Itinerant Mark Hansen 0.5800 02:22:16 01:22:31 2 4 FIN
R192 Frenzy Murray Rowe 0.5556 02:29:05 01:22:50 9 5 FIN
R242 Seahawk Patrick Jones 0.5737 02:24:43 01:23:01 4 6 FIN
R267 Elusive Richard Brisbane-Cohen 0.5863 02:21:53 01:23:11 1 7 FIN
R48 Farr Fetched Bruce Meakins 0.5684 02:28:06 01:24:11 7 8 FIN
SP920 Igawa Dave Atkinson 0.5753 02:28:11 01:25:15 8 9 FIN
Continue ReadingResults for Metro Series heat 2