Results for the 2014-2015 season

After a great 2014-2015 season, the results for the fleet are as follows:

Farr 9.2 State Championship

Championship results

  1. Elusive – Richard Brisbane-Cohen
  2. Igawa – David Atkinson
  3. Farrlap – Andrew Hossen

Consistency results

  1. Itinerant – Mark Hansen
  2. Lionheart – Warren Westaway
  3. Farr Fetched – Bruce Meakins

Swan River Metro Series

Championship results

  1. Elusive – Richard Brisbane-Cohen
  2. Seahawk – Patrick Jones
  3. Lionheart – Warren Westaway

Consistency results

  1. Farrlap – Andrew Hossen
  2. Frenzy – Murray Rowe
  3. Igawa – David Atkinson

Max Hayes Memorial Trophy

  • Elusive – Richard Brisbane-Cohen

CYC Commodore’s Cup

  • Elusive – Richard Brisbane-Cohen

Congratulations to all of the trophy-winners, and well done for the fierce competition from the rest of the fleet.

For those wanting extra detail, we also have the points tables available for the metro series & states. As usual, these are split into “Championship” (ie., times across the line), and “Consistency” (ie., after accounting for handicap) results.

The handicaps calculated from the final race of the Swan River Metro Series will be used as the starting handicaps for the 2015-2016 season, with any new entrants receiving the series winner’s handicap. Sail well in the new season!

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