Vale Alan Coutts

PA250185It was a sad day in October when Farr crews and others gathered at the stern of Equaliser for a minutes silence to mourn the loss of a dear friend.

Alan was a fierce competitor on the water and the proud skipper of Equaliser for twenty five years. He raced successfully on the ocean as well as on the river and was always ready to offer helpful advice to those joining the fleet. He has left his mark on the Association and is remembered with affection by us all.

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Raft up: Sunday 1st Feb

Your committee is planning to have a “raft-up” on Sunday 1st February.

The Sequicentenary Cup is also being held on Saturday. Apparently some are considering overnighting on their boats and having a self catered BBQ breakfast at RPYC before the raft-up!

Richard Brisbane Cohen suggests the area just past SoPYC as we can pick up a yellow mooring and raft up off the boat on the mooring if weather permits. Maybe he should be the trail-blazer as he has done it before.

The way I understand this works is that we invite friends, family, crew and leave the club at a designated time (to be advised), have a leisurely sail to the agreed location then raft-up. You can then enjoy some pre luncheon drinks, picnic lunch and a boozy afternoon mixing with those on the other boats, having a swim and whatever else takes your fancy. We then sail back to the club at an agreed time (to be advised).

Please us know if you’ll be coming, by the 20th of Jan. Either comment on this post (along with your boat name), or send an email to Warren.

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